KYP Course



KYP Course

 KYP Course पूरे तीन माह में करवाए जाते हैं

KYP ‌‍‌मे तीन कोर्स होते हैं 

1. BS - CIT ( Bihar State Certificate in information technology )

2. BS - CLS ( Bihar State Certificate in language skills ) 

BS CSS ( Bihar State Certificate in soft skills ) 

 BS CIT ( 60 session) 60 mark + 20 mark (clicker) + 20 mark ( final exam)

 BS CLS ( 40 session) 60 mark + 20 mark (clicker) + 20 mark ( final exam)

6. BS CSS ( 20 session) 60 mark + 20 mark (clicker) + 20 mark ( final exam)

ERA full form :-  E-learning Reoulation for all

MKCL : - Maharashta knowledge corporation limited . 

Q 1.       What is a computer ? 

Ans -  the computer is an electronic device use to store information and process it .

In the beginning the use of computers was limited but as now the expansion of the computer increased an important part of our life .

With the help of a computer we can do different things your computer used for many tasks such as creating documents calculation intertanment and more .

Q 2.use of  computer ?

Searching information

Office work

Bank work

Online reservation

Online shopping

Pay bill 

Chating with friends

Q 3. Types of computer

Micro computer : - Desktop, laptop, Tablet Smartphone

Manfrome computer : - Insurance companies 

Mini computer : - Large companies, Government office

Super computer : - Reacherch center ( NASA)

Q 4. What is Desktop ?

Ans - After the computer is started the first the screen appor on the computer is called desktop from the desktop you can all ass various parts of the computer

Q 5.   What is Icons ?

Ans :-  you can see various graphical fills on the desktop They are called icons

Q 6. Taskbar :-  The bar at the bottom of the computer.

Q 7. My computer : - You can view information about the files folder etc. That you have saved in the computer in Windows explorer.

Q 8. Control panel : -  You can make different setting of your computer in the control panel using the control panel you can customise the computer to salt your needs such as various computer hardware related sattings related to computer applications. Changes to the computer program.


 Q 9. Input Device : -  the device used to provide information to the computer are called input Device.


For Examples : - Keyboard ,mouse , scanner,  joystick,  microphone,  ect .

 Q 10. Output Device : - The device used to get information when using the computer are called output Device.


 Examples :- Monitor,  printer, speaker  Etc.

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