How to overcome negative thinking?

How to stop negative thinking: In today's time, most people are troubled due to their negative mindset. This negative habit prevents us from moving forward. Whether we will get success or failure in work also depends on our thinking.

It's not that positive people are never negative. Negativity dominates them too, but they overcome it in time. This is what makes them different from other people.

If we also decide that we have to get out of the clutches of negativity, then it is very easy. Once we find a way out, it will never dominate us.

If you also have a question about how to overcome negative thinking (how to avoid negative thinking), then here we will tell you some easy ways, by which you can remove negative thinking inside yourself and create positive thinking inside you.

Identifying negative thinking

If you want to understand that you have negative thinking inside you, how can it be identified? So for this, first of all, you understand the negativity and know what kind of emotions are coming in your mind. Then understand whether it is a wrong idea or right. And don't hesitate to accept it. This comparison can be done by being limited to yourself. You don't need anyone but yourself to get away from negative emotions.

Symptoms of negative thinking

The symptoms of negative thinking can be something like this –

  • Always underestimate or overestimate yourself than others.
  • Always finding faults in others
  • Always consider yourself insulted, such as no one asked you to eat during the program in the house, there are many such feelings when you feel that you are not getting respect.
  • There is something lacking in every person, but it is also a negative emotion to sit in the heart and mind and look at yourself in an inferior way.
  • Being dissatisfied means not being attached to your life, your work and always thinking wrong.
  • To be sad in a small thing and to hurt yourself and others.
  • Before doing any work, look at the negative aspect first instead of looking at its positive aspect.
  • Finding evil in anything that has come up, such as food or clothing, etc.

How to overcome negative thinking? | Easy ways to remove negative thinking

How to overcome negative thinking? (How to prevent negative thoughts)

Whenever you talk to yourself, always talk in a positive way. If you succeed in doing this, you will win half the battle.

Always try to enjoy the little joys. Often we ignore these small happy moments in search of great happiness. Then we get used to it, which is troublesome for us. So always try to find happiness in small things.

Whenever you get time to talk to yourself, give yourself the freedom to laugh openly, to smile, to do whatever heart you want. Remember one thing, being upset every expressed will never solve your problems. So keep yourself away from it as much as possible.

Always be ready to work hard, because this will bring you maturity. By completing difficult tasks, your subconscious mind will ensure that you can do anything. This will instill confidence in you, which is the hallmark of a successful person.

Often we are troubled by thinking about old things. Remembering old things is only going to cause trouble, so talk to yourself for some time and understand it yourself well. Worrying about the past not only expends energy, but constantly worrying also has a huge impact on the mindset.

Tips to remove negativity (how to remove negative thoughts)

Stay away from negative thinking people

The thoughts of the people around you also affect you. The kind of people who live around you, you think like them. That's why put yourself in the midst of people who think positively, who inspire you.

Make friends with people who are full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm, who are cheerful, with whom you can also get rid of stress. By living among negative people, you also start thinking negatively, so always stay away from negative thinking people and make contact with positive people.

Do Yoga and Pranayama

Sometimes being physically unwell also causes negative thoughts. That's why try to keep yourself healthy. Do yoga and pranayama every morning.

This will remove your negative thoughts and positive thoughts will come to your mind and at the same time you will be able to become physically healthy and strong, so include yoga and pranayama in your daily routine.

Listen to music

Melodious and inspiring music removes your negativity and encourages you to move forward in life. Melodious music also relieves your stress. That's why whenever you are thinking negatively or you are suffering from stress, you can listen to good music.

Keep yourself busy

Most negative thoughts come to your mind only when you are sitting idle. Our mind is very fickle, wandering everywhere. In such a situation, when you are sitting idle, your mind starts thinking about the bad events that have happened in the past, while at the same time it starts thinking about the future consequences, in fear of which negative thoughts start coming to your mind.

That's why try to keep yourself as busy as possible. You can read good and inspiring books, watch good inspirational videos or movies or do whatever you are fond of, do it in your free time. The more busy you keep yourself, the less negative thoughts will come to your mind.

Try to focus

When you are under stress, you do not feel like doing any work. This stress fills you with negativity, which becomes an obstacle to your success. You can't get success by living in negativity in this way. That's why try to focus.

Don't let your mind wander. If you want, you can meditate on God to reduce your stress. Meditation on God removes negativity. You do not necessarily worship on the day, but spend half an hour a day in worship, spend some time in the temple. Because the atmosphere of the temple gives you peace and keeps you stress-free.

You should also try to meditate every morning. Meditation helps to focus your attention. However, it may be difficult to concentrate in the beginning. But when you meditate every day, you will become a habit and very soon you will be able to focus your attention.

It's important to live in the present

If you want to overcome negativity, you have to learn to live in the present. Stop thinking about all the events that happened in the past and do not even think about the future consequences.

When you remember the past incident, negativity starts increasing in you. At the same time, if you think about the future consequences, then negative thoughts start coming inside you. You have to understand that what is going to happen will happen. That's why there's no point thinking about it. Just live your present happily

Encourage yourself

Other people are also responsible for our negative thoughts. Most people are not happy with your success. People will stop you from moving forward in life. Those people will fill you with negative thoughts of failure even before you get success.

Learn to be positive from Swami Vivekananda

Once Swami Vivekananda ji was going somewhere. They pass through a small bridge. There is deep water on one side of the bridge. They are passing through the bridge when some monkeys start chasing them. Swamiji gets upset. They run away from there to get rid of those monkeys but the monkeys also start running after them. Just then a man is coming from the front and he sees Swami Vivekananda running away.

Swami goes to Vivekananda ji and says that the more you are afraid of these monkeys, the more those monkeys will scare you. If you try to run away from them, they will run after you. That is why turn back and face these monkeys fearlessly, only then these monkeys will run away.

Hearing the person's words, Swami Vivekananda ji turns back and shouts eye-to-eye with the monkeys, causing the monkeys to flee from there. You can also learn from this story of Vivekananda ji that negative thoughts in life are also like these monkeys. The more you run to get rid of these, the more these thoughts will come to you.

That's why it's important to face them. Stress and problems occur in everyone's life but if you do not face them fearlessly, they always bother you. That's why it is better to face them fearlessly than to be stressed by getting upset over small things. This encourages you to think positively in life.